To a Better Bedroom: 6 Ways Scorpios Can Use Their Qualities to Enjoy a Better Sex Life

Let’s be real, who doesn’t like pleasure and pain? And, what better way is there to experience the best of both worlds with the person you love than by having a steamy session with one another?
It has long before established that one of the characteristics of Scorpios are their unbelievable skill when it comes to sex. Since they are naturally charming individuals, they possess a LOT of sex appeal that lets them attract their potential partners. Plus, Scorpios love the passion and ‘creativity’ that goes into sex. After all, it is an adrenaline and oxytocin machine!
Sex is something you and your partner should enjoy. It should not be forced nor manipulated. This is why one should strive to connect their innate qualities to better enjoy their own sex life. For Scorpios, these qualities would be:

To be satisfied by acts of intimacy, you need to enjoy the company your partner provides. To be passionate in both your partner and the act of doing ‘it’ will guarantee you a long-lasting and fulfilled sex life.
Luckily, being passionate is one of the best traits Scorpios have. You can easily channel your interests for the better of your sex life. In addition, your unfailing determination will always keep you wanting and striving for more.
Just imagine having sex with a stranger. It barely gives anyone deep satisfaction. Sure, it nourishes a person’s lust for physical action, but it will never be the same as doing it with someone you actually have feelings for.
Passion is also a word closely related to intense feelings and emotions, which is perfect because Scorpios are also known for being fiery and emotional in bed.

Confidence is not something that one can build up overnight. However, once a person does have enough of it, there are no limits to what they can do and achieve. The same can be said in doing sexual activities.
I’m not saying that Scorpios should be shameless. What I am saying is that one should have the ability to trust their judgements in respect of their partner. In other words, do what you want in confidence and don’t cross the line.
As a Scorpio, you have a great lot of confidence residing within you. Plus, you know what you want and how to get it; You can control the bedroom and guide your partner. To use your confidence in your sex life will definitely bring you worth-while experiences!

Patience is key when it comes to sex. After all, you can’t just shove it in there, release it, and call it a day. That’s not how this works!
Scorpios possess a LOT of patience. Though they seem like people who would do anything to get their way, they can become extremely forgiving when it comes to the people they love. They can stop themselves from doing the most tempting things if it only means hurting their loved ones.
Take your time and learn what your partner likes. Not everything is all about you! Ever heard the quote, ‘it takes two to tango’? You should feel it when you can advance and experiment with your partner, especially in bed.

In order to ensure success in anything you do, you must have a plan — to have thought of everything 10 steps earlier and to always have another if the original fails.
Scorpios are often regarded as sex experts, and this is due in part to their preparedness in any situation, most specifically when it comes to bedroom activities. You will never EVER catch them without some sort of contraception in their possession.
Aside from being prepared, they also possess quite the instinct when it comes to striking balance. This makes it so that they can easily understand their partners and make them at ease. These, in return, result to much more fulfilling sex lives.

Scorpios are no strangers to being experimental. Being creative frees the soul and lets new ideas in to better suit one’s lifestyle. And, in the world of romance and sex, what better way is there to spice up the relationship than to let loose and try new things?
Perhaps, it’s a new kink, a new roleplay, a new position — the sky’s the limit to what you can do in the bedroom with respect to your partner. Who knows? You may be able to see whether or not you and your partner are compatible.
Being experimental also encourages you and your partner to experience new things. Though it may not always go well, at least the both of you learned something new about yourselves.

Common sense. Of course! It’s the most important sense the moment you leave the house. Being rational and considerate in the right moments can ultimately save you in the most dire situations.
In the bedroom, though pleasure is almost always prioritized, one should be able to think of the consequences of their actions. Perhaps, parenthood is not an era you would want to go to yet or there might be health consequences to be dealt with if you choose to have sex — there are many reasons to reconsider, so always think!
Scorpios are also known to be very loyal, which also ties in to their level of practicality. They include their partner in everything including the future. As previously stated, one should always include their partner in every decision one makes, so always ask for your partner’s opinions!
Most people enjoy nightly activities, especially adults. It’s often considered as a great development in someone’s love life to be able to finally pop the cherry (or do it) with the one they truly love.
The aforementioned traits are just some of the qualities that Scorpios can incorporate into their sex lives to make it better. Of course, not everything listed above can apply to every Scorpio out there and some of these may even sound ridiculous for others; however, it is better to be one step ahead of the rest!