Talk to Express: Would a Cancer and a Scorpio Make a Good Match?

A single moment changes everything, and for some, it’s one they will never regret.
It’s hard to find someone you think is perfect for you. Humans indeed have their own flaws, which is not a bad thing because it makes every single one unique. Sometimes, our flaws can even make relationships whole — what we fall short on can be made up by our partners and vice versa.
Cancers are sensitive individuals, especially to their surroundings. They are able to perceive changes in mood, emotion, and situation when they’re in the same room as a group of people. Often, they are some of the most caring and comforting people you will ever meet once they open up to you.
Scorpios, on the other hand, are people who exude intense amounts of passion and determination. Most of the time, they have overflowing confidence that can intimidate those around them. Because of this confidence, they are able to be independent, often always acting alone.
So, now you might be curious: how compatible are Scorpios and Cancers?

How about a quick coffee? Sure.
Did you somehow meet a nice guy online or within your community? Well, good for you! You’ll be finally out on a date if it goes well. First dates aren’t necessarily complicated; however, they can be nerve-wracking, especially since first impressions go a long long way.
But, what about Scorpios and Cancers?
Well, Scorpios can appear grumpy at first. This is because of their tendency to lift their guard up whenever they come across new faces. People may also notice their extremely confident aura, which is another trait of Scorpios, that allows them to socialize much more easily.
Cancers, on the other hand, can come off as nerdy or just generally shy. They keep to themselves and often struggle forming long-lasting relationships because of their shyness. In addition, Cancers being sensitive means they tend to listen and observe more rather than talk.

Understanding is the only key.
It is considered lucky for a person to have long-lasting and true friendships. Most of the time, it’s not communication that keeps friendly relationships going, as you can go by months without talking and still be friends. What keeps friendships most of the time going are mutual understanding and respect.
Just like mentioned, Cancer-Scorpio relationships are highly compatible. Though they may seem polar opposites at first glance, they have a common ground that keeps them together despite their differences. One of which is that both signs have a hard time finding people who can truly understand them.
With Cancers’ sensitive nature, Scorpios can now be at ease as the former can truly understand their intense feelings. The latter are very perceptive, as such, they are able to ‘decipher’ the needs and wants of the former sign.
Who could also forget the existence of obstacles in friendships? The only struggle this pair will have to deal with is their lack of communication when tension arises. This includes Scorpios losing their temper on Cancers, and the latter being hurt and running away in order to cope on their own.

Something happened and it seemed magical, didn’t it?
Transitioning from friends to lovers is no easy feat. Though, if you manage to cross that bridge, both you and your partner will be subjected to more problems that will need more sacrifices and compromises from one another.
The good thing about Cancer-scorpio relationships is that they can easily make up for each other’s weaknesses. Since Cancers are caring and sensitive by nature, they can be sometimes demanding of love and affection, which Scorpios can fulfill. The latter will then crave for the former’s loyalty, which they can absolutely provide.
Of course, romantic relationships aren’t all sunshines and rainbows. Obstacles and struggles will be there to strengthen the relationship. Since Cancers and Scorpio have different perspectives and beliefs when it comes to life, tensions may arise especially if the couple express their emotions ineffectively.

Finally, bedtime…
Physical touch will always be important in any relationship no matter how clingy or ‘distant’ your partner is. Being experimental with physical touch is also nice once in a while in order to give variety in a relationship.
Cancers are notorious for being shy, so Scorpios will need to learn how to slowly approach extreme ideas in bed. The former will need a gentle and quiet approach in order to not scare them — think of them as untamed scaredy cats, you will most definitely need a LOT of patience to get one.
Being passionate is one of the things that Scorpios take pride in, as such, they feel the need to release their intense energies to their partners. This may seem bad for Cancers at first, but it’s actually the opposite since it will let Cancer’s try new things.

Ring the bells and tell your vows.
Communication is key to a long-lasting marriage. To be married means that your problems are your partner’s problems; your successes are also theirs, and what is theirs is also yours. The couple should be mature enough to consider sacrifices and compromises in order to make the relationship work.
For Cancer-Scorpio relationships, no one should expect a rocky road. Since both these signs are extremely compatible, they will be able to form a loving and strong bond that will surely last a lifetime. One reason is because both signs can be each other’s pillar of strength when the time comes due to their difference.
As for struggles brought by the difference in the signs’ personalities, the two may encounter problems with the way they express themselves to one another. Since Cancers are shy, they usually keep to themselves while Scorpios are more open.
So, the bottomline is: are Cancers compatible with Scorpios? It’s not surprising that the answer is yes. Both signs have extreme chemistry and are able to make up for each other’s weaknesses. In times of struggles, both should exercise active and effective communication on order to ensure a harmonious relationship.