Strike a Balance: Would a Virgo and a Scorpio Make a Good Match?

Love is like the perfect cup of coffee — sweet, creamy, and just how I like it.
They say love is perfectly imperfect. There are no perfect relationships; however, we can still find the right balance we want and pursue a long-lasting connection. The important question now is: how? How can you find the right balance?
Well, there are no exact answers for that question. A simple advice to follow is to go using your heart and your mind. Or perhaps, you can look unto the stars and find the answer you’ve been looking for.
Virgo-Scorpio relationships — yes, they do exist, and you might even find it common around your community — are like your ‘typical’ couples. Thye fight, make up; they compromise and make sacrifices for each other! So, they ARE like every other couple out there, but are they really REALLY compatible?
Virgos, by nature, are logic-driven and practical. They are straightforward people who do not settle for less than perfect. They are determined individuals, often striving to get better at one thing by diligent practice.
Scorpios, on the other hand, are determined and passionate people who also long for perfectionism. Unlike Virgos though, if they deem a task beyond their reach, they will back out and try a different approach.
So, the question is: with all these similarities, are Virgos and Scorpios perfect for each other?

First meetings always create lasting impressions.
Most people know how to get a date — I mean, it is the age of social media afterall. So, let’s say you and this person have been chatting and really hit it off: of course you’re going to ask them out! (or they’ll do the first move for you)
Scorpios, from the outside, may seem grumpy individuals who don’t have and want fun. This is because of their nature to up their guard whenever meeting someone new. Of course, you can never be too careful with strangers, am I right? Even if they have been talking to people online, their senses will still kick in and be wary of their surroundings.
On the other hand, Virgos may seem anxious at the start. Their love for perfectionism plays a role in this as they will try to act as perfectly as possible. However, once they warm up a bit during idle chit-chats, they will appear as very talented individuals, which is a result of their hard work.

Nothing beats a great best friend!
In today’s generation, when people encounter problems, they rarely approach their family for advice and comfort. Instead, they turn to their most trusted friends to feel better and be wiser. This, of course, is a double-edged sword. After all, no one can know what someone is thinking.
When it comes to solving problems, Virgo-Scorpio relationships are the perfect match! They easily combine their strengths and fill in each other's gaps to create something new and better. Whether they be co-workers or just plain friends, both of them will get along just fine.
When both parties have successfully infiltrated each other’s high walls, they will create a bond that will last a lifetime. Since both signs are focused individuals, they may put their energy into making the relationship better.

Love is filling the air and going everywhere.
Sometimes, a friend of yours can become your lover. Even if you have known each other for a lifetime, love may only bloom after years of your friendship. Aside from being friends, having something in common can further solidify your relationship; thus, ending with blooming hearts.
Virgos are naturally open-minded people. Though perfectionists, they can be one of the most understanding people you will ever meet. They are also flexible when it comes to people and most situations. Virgos also have good intuition, which goes hand-in-hand with Scorpios’ vigilance.
Scorpios, on the other hand, offers a nice balance of intense passion and emotion in the relationship. They are caring individuals who can soothe Virgos’ harshness toward themselves. One problem they might encounter though is issues about trust. Neither of them will want to depend on each other at the start, which may pose problems to the relationship taking off.

Kinks or Sensual?
This question really fits Virgo-Scorpio relationships. Anything is possible in the bedroom. Love roleplays? Go. Love ropes? Go for it! How about a lot of touching and kissing? Absolutely.
But, how does this exactly relate to Virgos and Scorpios in bed?
Virgos are on a whole new level of experimental. They are individuals who will have their own kinks, mostly catered to plays that lets them show off their dominance. Meanwhile, Scorpios are more sensual. They love lots of hugs and kisses.
Even if Scorpios are also as passionate as Virgos, problems may arise if the latter gets annoyed by the former’s sensual skinship. Though, this might not pose as a very big issue, as Scorpios can certainly sweet-talk and seduce their way out of it.

Money, kids, and mornings with you.
Independence is a big factor that affects the lifestyle of a couple. While in some cultures independence may be seen as ungrateful to those who raised you, many consider it important because it gives the couples privacy and a chance to make decisions for themselves.
For Virgo-Scorpio relationships, both signs value independence and practicality. Though, money-related issues won’t be kind to both of them.
Virgos are good at budgeting. They do spend money on certain occasions; however it is not as lavish as Scorpios, who love the idea of extravagance and luxury.
A good tip to avoid money problems like these is keep a bank account to yourself if you know you can’t control your spending urges. You can also ask someone to hold your cash for you, so they can monitor your spending.
So, are Virgos perfect for Scorpios? Well, they aren’t necessarily perfect for each other, but they are very compatible in all aspects of life — from friends to married couples. Aside from the occasional fights about skinship and money, Virgos and Scorpios will definitely get along well as long as they practice good communication to strike a balance.