Maybe Not Perfect But…: Would a Sagittarius and a Scorpio Make a Good Match?

Sometimes, we fall in love with people who we think we wouldn’t fall for.
Everything may start on the first meeting, or maybe the first chat at some sort of social media platform. Whatever the circumstances are, certain situations help you realize that you are actually in love with the person you only thought of as a friend. No matter if your partner has opposite or similar traits to you, your bonds will always strengthen as long as each one exerts the effort to build the relationship.
This notion clearly defines the pairing between a Scorpio and a Sagittarius. These signs are really opposite amongst the other pairings discussed before, so it’s only natural that conflict may arise; however, sprinkling in some communication and understanding will definitely make their bonds stronger.
Sagittariuses are bold individuals who have a knack for adapting and being flexible. As such, they love the concept of change and the pursuit of knowledge. They are also freedom-loving and playful people who are often seen as frank yet comedic.
On the other hand, Scorpios are an intense sign. They are emotional, confident, and independent beings fueled by passion and success. They are often described as careful people who have very good intuition. As such, they know how to get what they want.
So, the playful and free Sagittarius with an intense and passionate Scorpio — are they perfect for each other?

It takes a minute to create lasting impressions; other times, it takes more than an hour.
We meet people on the daily. It’s no surprise that we create our own judgement of someone based on the way they dress, the way they act, and the way they speak. Are their palms sweaty? They are probably nervous. Are they slouching when they talk to you? They probably find you or the situation boring. Do they use really deep and almost archaic words? They probably read a lot of classics or just adore the olden days.
As for Sagittariuses, the common first impression on them is that they are optimistic yet quirky or silly. It’s sometimes fitting because they love having fun. This is where they take inspiration to get creative; as such, they make for great and active leaders.
For Scorpios, they can be seen as grumpy people at first, but they are very cute people when you take the time to understand them. They are emotional individuals who have the tendency to be intense and very passionate. They are determined individuals who make great leaders because of their confidence, and their thirst for knowledge and success.

Even the most competitive person you know is most likely your friend.
There is no better way to spend time as friends other than to talk to learn more about each other. Sometimes, even the little things, such as gossiping about that one guy you saw the other day, sharing homework, and eating while chatting, matter! You know you're in the right hands when competition brings the best of both worlds in you and your friend.
Like what has been mentioned, Scorpio-Sagittarius relationships are the same. They are described as the friendship that everyone desires as they can just not talk for a long time and still be friends. Being competitive is one of the things that strengthens their bonds. Since both are independent signs, they will enjoy going off on their own adventures and challenge each other in a best-of.

Dating is where the magic and pain happens…
For most people, It’s easier to get along with someone who shares the same beliefs, but being opposites offers a lot more risks as well as a lot more rewards. This is because you will know how to deal with a different type of person, and learn how to embrace their flaws and accept them for who they really are. This, in a nutshell, is Scorpio-Sagittarius relationships.
Though both signs are polar opposites when it comes to beliefs, they have their experimental and adventurous spirit as their common ground. As a result, them being opposites may prove to be better as they can accommodate to each other’s weaknesses while complimenting their strengths.
As for conflict, Scorpios are possessive and jealous individuals, which Sagittariuses do not appreciate. Since the latter loves their freedom, they won’t hold back when someone comes and puts them in chains. Though, this will be resolved if there is enough communication and compromises to be made.

Passion, passion, passion.
Being passionate is attractive in all areas of life. However, it is certainly more when it comes to nightly activities. Since both Scorpios and Sagittarius both compliment each other due to their natures, they will certainly enjoy their time of pleasure and pain.
Scorpios are emotional and experimental in bed while Sagittariuses are free-spirited and adventurous. The former’s kinks will be much appreciated by the latter, and the latter will use their free-spirit to venture deeper into the realm of sex and pleasure.

Good efforts result in good endings.
Hey, maybe it’s time to tie the knot and start something more than just lovers. Being partners in life means that the couple will work together as one body, wherein one’s problems and decisions are also the other’s. This should be done mutually in order to maintain peace and harmony throughout the couple’s marriage.
As such, Scorpio-Sagittarius pairings will need a lot of effort and work in order to overcome their differences. Being independent is no more; instead, they should strive for an interdependent lifestyle filled with communication.
Since both signs struggle with communication because of their independent nature, they should make compromises to better understand each other and avoid miscommunications.
So, to answer the question raised at the beginning, a Scorpio and a Sagittarius are not perfect for each other, but they will work only if effective communication is done. Misunderstanding are inevitable, but prolonging it will do more harm than good.